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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  April 15, 2013 4:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at4 starts now. >> good morning, a top stores were following on monday april 15th. today is the last day for you to file individual tax returns or request an extension more details on today's deadline coming up. >> celebration turned away and north korea as the country's honor its k founderhonorim il sung . meanwhile, secretary of state john kerry maps of the three day trip to asia and ending the north korean nuclear crisis. details coming up. >> we're also watching the weather this morning as we
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take a live look outside at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. we're under a high wind advisory this morning for some bay area bridges as well as the coastline this morning. >> off good morning. i am anny hong . >> and i am james fletcher. >> erica has a look at our weather. >> temperatures are not to bad we're waking up to '40's and 50's. we did see light showers overnight. showers over downtown san francisco. could see drizzle this morning. the wind is a bigger story. it is windy. the wind will pick up heading into the afternoon. by 11:00 a.m. a high wind advisory goes into effect for the north bay coastline. the east bay shore line, and for those of you located along the peninsula. the wind will continue into the evening hours and chilly overnight. tomorrow we could wake up to areas of frost in temperatures in the '30's.
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>> something we have not seen for quite some time will have to bundle up. >> sustained winds are 18 mi. an hour for half moon bay. in for oakland. the wind is strong along the coastline and for the higher elevations. >> by 9:00 a.m., not too much. by the afternoon 12, light blue shading on the screen indicates wind gusts as high as 20 mi. per hour. as we continue to advance the clock by 6:00 p.m. tonight sustained winds in the twenties from oakland up toward concord, vallejo, and san raphael. >> the blue indicate when the gust of the 20 mi. an hour range. >> we are in the '40's and 50's. we will climb to 50s and 60s later today. >> 61 for hayward. 62 for concord. keep in mind the wind chill this factored it will feel cooler. >> extended forecast, your kron 4 7 day around the bay
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forecast shows windy conditions could continue over the next couple of days. but gradually warm afternoon. low to possibly mid-80s as we head into saturday and sunday. >> no doubt. we have windy conditions around the bay area. a wind advisory is in effect for the cortines and for those of you heading to the dumbarton bridges. a live look at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. no wind advisory in effect. still gusty. be careful and keep both hands on the steering wheel. >> off the san mateo bridge no problems. drive times 12- 13 minutes. >> south bound 101, the golden gate looking good coming out of the north bay. james. >> thank you erica. today is the deadline to get your tax is done. >> the irs says 90 million american taxpayers and already submitted their tax forms by the first of the month. about 90 percent were
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done electronically, and the average refund is 2000, $755 down about 40 blocks of last year. tax consultants say one the most common mistake people make is marking someone down as a dependent who is not. >> electronic filing is almost always caught. the way the system worked is the first person to hit the system is the one who will claim them. let us say i am divorced, which is common. my wife is claiming the children i go ahead incline them but whoever has custody at the right to claim them. >> remember, if you owe the irs money, that regardless of the extension, you still need to pay by tomorrow or face stiff penalties which could amount to an additional 25% of your balance for every year if that balance is not paid. >> meanwhile, if you are small-business owner in san
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francisco you are more likely to be the target of an audit. >> according to a new study by the national taxpayer advocate, irs data shows large clusters of potential tax cheats in loss angeles, houston, atlanta, d.c., and san francisco. the study also finds that people on construction or rental real- estate businesses may be likely to fudge their taxes than other types of businesses. as a result the irs pays extra attention to small businesses in the city like san francisco. >> authorities say the three boys arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a 15 year-old girl later took our own life or initially cited the meter allegations in september in connection with the case. >> deputies arrested 316 year-old boys last week on suspicion of sexual battery against audrey pott . a saratoga high school sophomore who hanged herself last september after an
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explicit photos circulated of the alleged assault. the santa clara county sheriff's office says the initial investigation turned up only enough evidence to support citations for misdemeanor sexual battery. the boys were not taken into custody when there were farsighted, and the shares office did not know if they had appeared at any juvenile court hearings. >> the pott family is expected to hold a press conference this morning at 11:00. audrey's mother, father, stepmother of was the family attorney are all expected to speak. will be carrying the press conference today on our 24/7 channel comcast 193. >> secretary of state john kerry heads home after a three day trip to court south korea, china and japan. >> the goal of the trip was to ensure commitment from these countries to keep north korea from pursuing its new clear goals. andrew spencer has the details. >> secretary of state john
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kerry spent the past three days meeting with leaders in seoul, beijing, and tokyo. >> north's dangerous nuclear missile program threatens not only north korea's neighbors but it threatens its own people. it threatens the concept of the pacific dream. from keeping more clear from creating nuclear weapons kerry hopes the neighboring countries will get the leader back to the negotiating table. >> the united states remains open to authentic and credible negotiations on denuclearization but the burden is on pyongyang . >> the 1953 truce that ended the war was scrapped. in an interview carried elaborated san the action has wide reaching consequences. >> what happens here also has an impact on perceptions in places like a iran the
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middle east and elsewhere where we are engaged in the non-proliferation efforts. >> koreas since is interested in dialogue and with watching a release a statement called kerrey's speech in the words without content. >> i am andrew spencer reporting. >> with a quick break. a live look outside on your monday morning. the san mateo bridge has a wind advisory in effect. and areas of scattered showers in the north bay and parts of the peninsula. more details on the forecast we come back. including an 8 year old boy who suffered a heart attack.
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>> welcome back. the time back4:10. >> one little boy is lucky to be alive after his heart stopped during a baseball game in rohnert park a sunda on saturday. kron fours
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maurdeen kelly spoke to their medics who just happen to be in the stand and sprang into action. we have interview and images of the scene that you always see on kron 4. >> right in the chest. >> the below staggered the boy what he did not fall down right away. he started running toward first base. he made it about 5 ft. and collapsed. >> the hit in the chest stopped his heart. >> luckily there medics have more than 50 years of experience in jump onto the field and its action. this snapshot shows them administering cpr which they kept going for six minutes until an ambulance team of arrive with a the figure later which administered a life-saving shock to his heart. >> i had my hand on his chest and felt his heart start beating again. in a moment he started to open his eyes. he was granttransport
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is a children's hospital by helicopter were he will be monitored. >> his mother text me and said he was add children oakland and he was awake in any a popsicle. his parents police a statement saying the two are heroes for saving her son's life. >> they hope this will inspire more people to learn cpr. if madyun had not had help keeping his heart pumping to the evidence arrived he could have been left brain dead or not have survived all. >> maureen kelly kron 4 news. >> 4:12 is the time. we will be back after this quick break. looking at downtown san francisco. we will be back with more headlines than a quick check of the djather.
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>> we are back. i 4:14 is the time. >> summer sea ice in the arctic is disappearing much faster than scientists predicted and could be nearly gone by mid this century. that is according to new data from in o.j. a researchers. a look at three different models for calculating see eyes lost. they discovered the most optimistic calculation finds arctic summer see eyes almost completely disappear by 2016. the worst-case scenario is to be nearly gone by 2020. science is the arctic sea ice losses the most visible sign of global climate change. >> us take a look at our own weather in to the climate here and around the bay area. >> a wind advisory officially kick in later this morning. a live look from san jose r rahman the airport. the camera is
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shaking around. the wind will pick up by 11:00 a.m. this morning. the bay area coast line, the peninsula, east bay shoreline all impacted by the wind advisories set to expire at 9:00 p.m. tonight. when approaching from the northwest between 20 and 30 mi. an hour gusts as high as 45. hold onto your hats. it will be windy heading into the evening hours. we will move on to clear conditions and it will be a chilly overnight. frost a possibility of forming in some of our north bay valley. >> temperatures are not bad. 46 for san francisco. 50 in oakland. futurecast 4 predicting by lunchtime 2:00, hold on to 50s in side the bay and see some '60s for inland areas. >> 3:00 p.m. is split decision between blue and green indicating temperatures in the '50s and '60s. >> a cold front that passed through did bring light sour to our area. the bigger
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story is the windy weather and cooler temperatures. 8:00 p.m. a good mixing of '40's and '50's. we could see '30's waking up tomorrow morning. breaking down today's afternoon highs. santa clara 62. upper 50s in fremont. warmer for some of our east bay spot. antioch 64. 63 and one of creek. fifties and richmond. downtown san francisco 58. lows '60s for navato petaluma. 64 in napa. upper 50s and san bruno. 57 in alameda. >> onto old got cold later this evening to watch the a's against the astros. the first pitch at 7057 is in the middle of thtwo upper 50s. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows windy weather to stick around but not advisory letter.
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gradually warm weather. we are talking '80s. it will feel like springtime heading into saturday and sunday. >> more on your extended forecast in my next report. >> in the meantime looking at traffic. not monitoring any big hot spots. no major problems. we do have some wind advisories in effect. >> the bay bridge ride is not affected. chp did not pose an official advisory. traffic looking good coming from all the approaches. >> san mateo bridge looking good no problems. >> the same for the golden gate bridge. >> over to the traffic maps we are monitoring wind advisories for the benicia and cardenas bridges. >> the san mateo bridge is not affected we do have a wind advisory also an effect for those of you using highway 84 to the dumbarton bridge it is a windy ride. the wind will continue to pick up throughout the day. taking it over to the south
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bay freeways all green on the road way censors indicating speeds over 50 mi. an hour. anny. >> the time is 4:18 . >> a gun buyback that took place in san mateo county on saturday is being called a success. an estimated 250 firearms are collected at the gun buyback, which was held at the south san francisco court house. organizers pay more than $23,000 in exchange for on wanted firearms. $100 for every handgun and $200 for rifle some assault weapons. the an exact breakdown of how many handguns long guns and assault rifles that are brought by the parties will be available later today. >> a compromise on gun control drafted by republican and democrat may seem like a fairy tale. but two senators presented a deal last week that extends background checks for gun sales to include private purchases of gun shows and
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on the internet. now the plan is getting the support of key red state conservatives. christina mutchler has the story. >> i have got to give them credit and i want to look at it but i am very favorably disposed. other senators are supporting the bipartisan measure. there's still some conservative push back. >> and alabama republican says he does not think the deal will pass and that current gun laws are not adequate in force. >> this bill i believe would do more to limit the loss to prevent violent crime and that is why i cannot support it. >> this is about whether or not it is reasonable to try to make it more difficult
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for dangerous people, it is already illegal for them to have weapons to obtain them. >> the bill could come to a senate vote as early as wednesday but is an open question is whether it will have enough conservative backing to pass. >> i am pristine of mutchlr reporting. >> senator mark rubio says a proposed immigration bill expected to be introduced this week will not offer amnesty to those who entered the united states illegally. the florida republican says there will be consequence for having violated the law. heis proposal would require people to pass a rigorous background check and pay fines and application fees to receive a permit that allowed them to work, travel and pay taxes. after 10 years they could be able to apply for legal immigration status and evenfall path to citizenship under the proposal, the
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applicant would not be eligible for any federal benefits such as health care. >> today the supreme court grapples with the question of whether human genes can be passed, it's a ultimate answer could reshape the u.s. medical research, the fight against disease like breast and ovarian cancer at the multi-billion dollar medical and biotechnology businesses. the u.s. patent and trademark office has been awarding patents on human genes for almost 30 years. off company said they're risking billions of dollars to conduct research on the the promise of such patterns. the american civil liberties union just jealous those batons, arguing that gene should never have been tested in the first place. >> a series of attacks across iraqkilled 30 people less than a week before the country's first elections since the 2-11 u.s. troop withdrawal. the vote is seen as a key test of the iraqi security forces ability to keep voters safe. officials said the attacks, many
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involving car bombs, also wounded more than 200. there have been no immediate claim of responsibility, but chordata attacks are a favorite tactic of al quaida , iraq branch. >> the california highway patrol said a tour bus carrying visitors from yosemite national park was traveling at an unsafe speed when the driver of the bus lost control and the bus crashed on a mountain road, leaving 16 people injured. >> the bus was about 6 mi. outside of the south in so the park when it went off highway 41. 15 passengers on the bus and a tour guide suffered minor to moderate injuries. there were taken to local hospitals. we will be back with more on the
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>> 4:25 on the kron 4 morning news. starting with a live look at the san mateo bridge. we have clear conditions but we have a stray showers overnight. >> the cool down and
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temperatures will experience that later this afternoon in the uptick of the wind spirit we're waking up to '40's and 50's. 45 in fairfield. 52 in oakland. >> the wind not to bad but will pick up during the course of the day. >> 12:00 the gust pick up along the coastline. >> putting the clock into motion we are in the 20 mi. an hour range by 6:00 p.m. tonight. we do have a wind advisory that goes into effect for the coastline and our san francisco bay shoreline later today. >> temperatures will be significantly cooler with richmond reaching 57. 59 for san mateo. lows '60s for haywood and redwood city. >> your extended forecast shows gradually warmer weather. we will talk '80s heading into saturday and sunday. i will have full details on your extended forecast in just a few short minutes. >> anny . >> thank you erica. we're looking at box office
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numbers over the weekend. baseball is for a rare hit and how was the jackie robinson tail 42 took $27.3 million to claim the weekend box office championship. >> 40 to easily beat scary movie five which brought in 15.2 min dollars of the weekend. three of the previous or scary movie installments at debuts of $40 million and more. and coming at no. 3 in the croods with $13.2 million. we will take a break it is 4:27 . back with headlines in a minute there is a look at the golden gate bridge. a good-looking shot. not much cloud cover or fall. the wind is blowing pretty good this morning. will be back with weather, traffic and news in just a minute--not much cloud cover or faog.
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>> welcome back. the time is 429 take a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we have areas a windy conditions. we will go to
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erica levy look at our forecast. also we did see showers this morning. >> good morning erica. >> good morning anny . >> we did see stray showers in the east bay and in downtown san francisco. the rain is not the big weather story it is the windy conditions. and the temperatures will see later this afternoon. it will be very cold overnight. frost the possibility for some of our north bay valley. temperatures potentially dropping into the '30's waking up tomorrow morning. looking ahead gradually warmer conditions we're talking '80s heading into the weekend. i want to talk about current conditions. if you are just leaving the house. temperatures a male in the '40's. 47% tale. 46 in redwood city. the wind not to bad right now. 9 mi. an hour in oakland. strong along the coastline. the wind will pick up into the afternoon hours. a wind advisory goes into effect for the shoreline to the coast by 11:00 a.m. this morning. at 4 tracking
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temperatures. fifties in side the bay by lunchtime you did see 60s for the long spots. >> temperatures still below the seasonal average. we will see plenty of sunshine in the cooler when you factor in the wind chill. >> by 8:00 p.m. we're dealing with a good mix in the '40's and low 50s. >> i want to bring down your afternoon highs. cupertino 65. 62 in mountain view. upper 50s in fremont. vallejo 60 degrees warmer to hayward. upper 50s for downtown san francisco and 64 in napa. >> we expect lows '60s for the north bay. save for berkeley and oakland. 57 in alameda. of fifties for the peninsula. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast keeps when the forecast for the next couple of days. again, frost waking up tomorrow morning. a dry stretch of weather. plenty of sunshine. overall
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pleasant conditions. '80s for your inland spots heading into saturday and sunday. >> we're tracking springlike weather around the bay area. also tracking wind advisories currently in effect. in effect for the dumbarton for the parking isn't the benicia bridge keep that in mind if your head across those bridges. >> a live look at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. >> and wendy drive with caution. here is the toll plaza traffic doing fine. no wait at the pay gates. a live look at the san mateo bridge no incense to report in any of the direction of highway 92. >> south bound 101, the golden gate bridge has been a problem free throughout the morning. a lot of space between cars in a drive time is 23 minutes out of navaot into san francisco. >> today's the deadline to get your tax is done.
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>> the irs says 97 million taxpayers already submitted their tax forms by the first of this month. >> about 90 percent were done electronically, and the average refund is $2,755 down about $40 from last year. tax consultants say one of the most common mistakes is marking someone down as a dependent was not. >> with electronic filing is almost always caught. the way the system works is the first person to hit the system is the one who will claim it. let us say i am divorced which is common, my wife is claim the children and i go ahead and claim them. whoever has custody has the right to claim them. >> remember if you owe the irs money regardless of the extension, you still need to pay by tomorrow or face stiff penalties would amount to an additional 25% of your balance for every year
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that balance is not paid. >> if you are a small- business owner in san francisco you're more likely to be a target for audit. >> according to a new study by the national taxpayer advocate irs davis shows large clusters of potentia tax cheats in olos angeles, houston, atlanta, dc and san francisco. for the study also finds that people on construction rental estate business imay be likely to fudge their taxes than other types of businesses. as a result the irs pays extra attention to small businesses in cities like san francisco. >> authorities say the three boys arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a 15 year-old girl who later to our live for initially sighted on mr. mere allegations in september in connection with the case. deputies arrested 316 year- old boys last week on suspicion of sexual battery against audrey pot , a
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saratoga high school sophomore who hanged herself last september after an explicit photographs circulated of the alleged assault. the santa clara county sheriff office said the initial investigation turned up only enough evidence to support citations from his demeanor is sexual battery. the boys were not taken into custody when there were farsighted, and the shares office did not know if they had appeared at any juvenile court hearings. >> the pott family is expected to tow a press conference this morning at 11:00 a.m.. audrey's mother, father, stepmother is well as the family attorney are all expected to speak. we will be carrying a press conference live on our 24/7 news channel comcast 193. >> today secretary of state john kerry at home after a three day trip to south korea, china, and japan. the goal of the trip was to ensure commitment from these countries to keep north korea from pursuing its nuclear goals. andrew
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spencer has the details. >> secretary of state john kerry spent the last three days meeting officials in seoul, tokyo. >> no. 3 of dangers ms. hill program threatens its neighbors and its own people. >> it threatens the concept of a pacific dream. in addition to keeping north korea from creating nuclear weapons he hopes the neighboring countries will did pyongyang to the negotiating table. >> the night states remain open to authentic and credible negotiations on the nuclear station. >> the 1953 ca truce that ended the career of war was scrapped. >> what happens there also has an impact on perceptions in places like iran the
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middle east and elsewhere where we are engaged in non- proliferation efforts. though, north korea since is interested in dialogue it was watching and release a statement calling the speech in the words without content. >> i am andrew spencer reporting. >> a 75 year-old man who went missing from a medical care facility was found sunday night in loss angeles. >> roberts archibald was confined to a wheelchair with missing from burlingame saturday afternoon. police found him in los angeles at around 9:00 p.m. sunday night. medical personnel evaluated him who has extensive medical issues and said he was doing okay. >> we will take a break at 437 and checked the numbers from wall street in a minute. and live look at the golden gate bridge where we see traffic is light on south bound 101 making your way out of marin county to san francisco. ñáçwçñ
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>> we are back. >> it is 439. tequila the wall street this morning. is treading shows all three indexes in the negative this morning. investors hoping the stock market will resume its upward trend today after a brief pickup on friday. that is 24 days surge came to an end. here is a look at friday's close at numbers. the dow dropped a fraction of a point friday closing at 14,865. the nasdaq dropped five. closing at 3002 under 94. for the s&p 500 lost 4 1/2 points close at 1005 and 88. earnings reports expected this week from city group, bank of america and google . we will be watching the stock market
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all morning long you're on the kron 4 morning news starting at 630 with the opening bell. >> a new study finds young drivers in getting the message that distracted driving can be deadly. but it also found drivers ages 16-21 themselves as far higher risk when driving along. few pressure and high profile anti distracted driving campaigns are barely making an impact. 95 percent of survey participants said they have talked on their cell phone while driving. and many say they have posted messages the social media website, read e-mail us at text messages, taking big geneva watch videos while driving. >> verizon wireless, the country's largest telephone carrier, on friday said that isn't it is extending the time t takes to earn a subsidized on upgrade for 20 months to contract to 24 months. the move will stabilize and money, since it subsidizes
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each news smart phone by as much as $100 to get the price down to $199 floor lower. off with less frequent phone upgrades, it will pay adolescence of cities. the change takes effect with contracts expiring in january. the change also reflects the growing popularity of expensive phones. >> a hong kong businessman may all the world's most expensive smart phone. that is did the black diamond iphone 5 include a hidden 26 kerry black diamond. for the falling value $50 million. it includes 600 flawless white diamonds, solid gold dressing, and at apple logo made up of 53 diamonds. off the whole burden of the fund is made of a black diamond and incredibly rare gem that had been in the phone over to family for generations. >> we will take a break. we
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will be back with more in just a minute. we have our camera and walnut creek showing the ride on 680. not that bad at this early hour. you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day.
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welcome back. the time is 0444. top story were following for you on this monday april 15th. the family of 15 year-old audrey potr expected to have a news conference in san jose this morning. this comes after three teenage boys were arrested last week, charged with sexual battery,pott committed suicide last fall
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after picture of her assault with viral on social media site. will bring you the press conference live 11 this morning from our 24/7 news channel, has 193. >> and procrastinators your time is to rub up today's tax days the deadline for filing a new income tax with the irs. the agency says 97 million american taxpayers are reasoning that their tax forms by the first of the month. about 90% or done electronically, and the average refund is $2,755. down about $40 from last year. >> fear is a look at the weather with erica. >> wind's approaching from the northwest at 20-30 mi. an hour. gusts could be between 35-40 mi. an hour. hold onto your hats. it will be windy. however, not bad now. when nine hours oakland. stronger along the coastline. that will be the case. expect went along the coast. >> futurecast 4 is set for
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11:00 a.m.. not much. in fact most of us are in the single digits. but when will start to wrap up by letter tonight. >> 5:00 p.m. we are in a ryder rental twenties for just about everyone. livermore in the teens. the same for fairfield. the blue shading indicates the gust in the 20 mi. an hour range. we will see strong winds by 9:00 p.m. tonight. clear skies, a cooler temperatures and frost and possibility overnight for some of our protective valley. >> you will see temperatures drop to the '30's. that is something we have not seen for quite some time. it will get cold and windy around bay area. >> currently sitting in the '40's and '50's. 50s and 60s in to the afternoon. >> pleasanton it to. >> fairfield 63. if you degrees cooler for redwood city. >> we're looking dry weather. we have had a few
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showers passed by during the overnight hours. again, the big story is the wind and cooler temperatures. >> the winner will continue for the next couple of days. expect a gradual warm weather trends. plenty of sunshine. it will feel like springtime. no rain drops in sight. >> temperatures in the low to mid '80s as we head into saturday and sunday. >> we will keep you monitor on your extended forecast. again, wind's are expecting your morning commute. we have wind advisories in effect for the benicia bridge and the cortines. >> it is not cacausing in the late as of yet. the wind advisory has not been updated for the san mateo bridge, the the hardest to affect. >> highway 84 keep that in mind. no problems however, at the approach to neighbors toll plaza that is an easy ride. a drive a eight-nine minutes. >> the san mateo bridge traffic is doing well in both directions of highway
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92. a lot of space on the right-hand side of your heading out towards foster city. >> south bound 101, the golden gate, head lights coming into san francisco. i have checked with the chp no accidents to report. the drive 23 minutes out of navato into the city. james. >> thank you erica. starting today the bart silicon valley berryasa expansion project will began costa road between lundy avenue and flicking juror avenue will be reduced from 3 to 2 lanes in both directions so that the crews to start building a new overpass for the new guard rails. off the work is expect to continue for seven to nine months. traffic in the area is expected to be congested during the construction. the entire bart extension project is scheduled to be completed in 2018 with a price tag of $3.2 billion off. >> off for people recovering
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after being rescued from their sinking tugboat saturday. this is video of the bay area coast guard saving four people after their tugboat sank while telling a barge off the coast of big sur. coastguard crews received a distress call about 3:00 p.m. and deploy a 47 ft. motor lifeboat. a rescue helicopter from my wrist they shall also called to the scene. the helicopter found the survivors on a raft and hoisted them aboard. off or taken to a local hospital, but no injuries were reported. >> been as well as opposition presidential candidate is demanding a recount, following a razor- thin loss in sunday's special election. successor nicholas maduro, who was hand-picked by the late president hugo chavez, won by less and 235,000 votes. salinger in every day kahpree lay says he will not
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accept results and is calling for a full refund. he says his campaign tally of votes came up with, in words, at the result that is different from the result announced. >> people in the bay area came out in huge numbers on sunday to cast their votes at the san francisco complex for the venezuelan presidential election. the consulate was full of enthusiastic volunteers helping boater's with instructions as they walked through the door. for all these people may be away from their country, they wanted to secure their boat in the election. we spoke a few people in here is what they want to see happen in their country. >> we want a country where everyone can speak freely. >> we're looking for the change in the country. the corruption was a random. before he was shot as came into power we had a country was bankrupt. we want to move back into a country that will become self- sufficient and will forward. >> nicholas masuro , who
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promised to continue hugo chavez policies, now faces covering and divided nation where opponents say the old policies are leading to ruin. >> taking a look a bay area sports, the giants and starter tim lincecum got a lot of help from the club of pitchers during the 10 to 7 victory. limcecum had another shaky start giving up two home runs in the first inning. but then the cubs tied a major league record by throwing five wild pitches in the sixth would allow the giants scored four runs. off live with two down and the ninth inning in a giants losing seven to 600 pence hit a solo shot to tie the game. eventually they would go on to win by tacking on three more runs in the 10th. >> meanwhile, the a's struggled against the tigers as they lost 10 to one. a's starting pitcher john ross parker did not make it out of the fourth inning giving up eight runs. tigers
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outfielder austin jackson hit a home run as he went on t 4to a four hits day. a's catcher terry norris double in the a's long run in the fourth inning. oakland which entered the game leading the league in several offensive categories if struck about 38 times is just three games. today the astros come to town for three game series against the first- place a's. >> adam scott has become the first australian to win the augusta national. this is the second year in a row that the masters when into sudden death as got an angle for cabrera made matching birdies on the 72nd hole. the boat made par on the first extra hole no. 18 was got pulled ahead when he sought a 12 ft. birdie for the win. cabrera wawho won all of 2009 finished in
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second place. tiger woods finished for fourth place tide. >> will be back with more on the kron 4 morning news.
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>> good morning. the time is 455. taking a look of your money forecast. is chilly. some spots in the '40's.
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we're holding on to 50s along the east bay shoreline. it is windy along the coast. when will pick up into the afternoon. a wind advisory officially goes into effect at 11:00 a.m. this morning. stretching until 9:00 p.m.. expected dry weather, sunny weather. if we cooler into the unknown. it will be gradually warmer for a course of the week. this week and we're talking low to mid '80s for your warmest inland communities. >> wind is very calm now. 9 mi. an hour and oakland. stroller along the coast. into the afternoon, temperatures will be in the '50s and '60s. the wind will pick up. it will feel cooler. you have to factor in the windshield. >> livermore 61. 58 for downtown san francisco. 63 in oakland. >> looking at this in the forecast call conditions as we wake up tomorrow morning. frosty possibility for some of our sheltered valleys erica cold steppes and '30's. we will climb to the
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upper 60s later in the afternoon. >> by wednesday seventies for your warmest inland spots. a full look at your extended forecast in just a few minutes. guy's off. >> thank you erica coming up on the kron 4 morning news the family of sarasota team committed suicide last fall is expected to be today. it is just days after three other teaens were arrested for the gross assault. more details on the investigation coming up. secretary of state john kerry frappes a three day trip to asia with hopes of getting north korea to the negotiating table. >> and today's the last day for you to file individual tax returns a request for an automatic extension. but a new study says businesses are in san francisco should you worry about an audit, we will explain when the kron 4 morning news continues.
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wow, i' 've been claritin clear for 10 days! when you yr allergies start, doctorcts recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin everevy day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 d18ays!s! 17 d17ays! 22 day ds of continuous relief. live cla critin clear. every da. walgrelgens can help when you're at the corner of "all"aergies" and "even more allergies." come to twalgreens for expert advice and the right products, like ckelaritin bonus packs - now no$18.99 with balance rewards card. at tathe corner of happy and healthy.
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>> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 5 starts now.
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>> good morning, a top stores were following for you on this monday april 15th. the family of 15 year- old audrey pott expected to have a news conference in san jose this morning. this comes after three teenage boys were arrested last week, charged with sexual battery. will have a live report coming up this morning. >> in four shots fired at emergency responders in berkeley details ahead. >> it is a cold and windy morning to start of the work week. let us check in with erica she is tracking it for us. >> good morning erica. >> good morning darya. it is windy along the coastline nothing compared to what we saw a week ago. it wind advisory will kick in at 11:00 a.m. this morning. expect breezy conditions not only along the coastline along the peninsula and the east bay shoreline. when overnight expect chilly conditions. frosted possibility for some of our protective valley. >> south and radar shows dry
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conditions. we did see stray showers in downtown san francisco for the overnight hours. full details on the extended forecast in a few short minutes. george. >> thank you erica it is all about the wind this morning. i updated with california highway patrol the the area bridges currently under advisor is. that would be the car king is bridge, the benicia bridge they're monitoring the wind conditions with cameras. >> they're still keeping the wind advisory in effect for the dumbarton bridge although there checking with the sergeant office did conditions are still warranted. we had a wind advisory in effect here at the san mateo bridge. you can see the changeable message signed in the corner of your screen indicating the possibility of high winds especially over the high-rise section. otherwise, not tracking any of the problem hotspot so far this morning. mark. >> thank you george on to a developing story out of berkeley in the last hour
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and a firefighter was grazed by a bullet. shots fired during an awards in medical call the 1200 block of the white way near sam tableau. a firefighter was grazed by a bullet, was treated at the scene and is already back on the job as fire house in berkeley. if the shooter was a man in his 80s and in custody. >> the suspect is currently on order mental evaluation at a local hospital. >> in a few hours from now will hear from the family of audrey pott as to why they believe a 15 year-old daughter committed suicide. last week authorities arrested 16 year-old boy is accused of sexually assaulting her while she was passed out at a high school party. off kron fours will trans is live in front of a place for the news conference is expected to be held. >> where are you will? >> we're having some audio difficulty with trying get that reestablished coming up in just a minute. as we said there is a press conference expected later on today
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about 11:00 this morning. as we understand his mother, father, and stepmother will be there and will reconnect with willing that the latest. incidently we will carry a press conference live on our 24/7 news channel. comcast 193. expected at 11:00 this morning. >> is apple 15th. that means today is the date for filing your taxes. >> the irs says 97 million americans already submitted their tax form as a the first of this month. about 9 percent were done electronically, and the average refun200 refund 2007 under a $55 down about $40 from last year. >> tax consultants say one of the most common mistakes people make is marking down someone as a defendant was not. >> electronically is almost
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always caught. the way the system works is the first person is a one will claim it. let us say i am divorced which is common, my wife is claim the children and i go ahead and claim them. whoever has custody has the right to claim them. >> remember, if you owe money, regardless of the extension, you still have to pay by today or face stiff penalties. >> that could amount to an additional 25% of your balance owed to the irs for every year that the balance is not paid. >> if you are a small- business owner in san francisco you are more likely to be the target of an irs audit. according to a new study by the national taxpayer advocate, irs data shows large clusters of potential tax cheats in los angeles, houston, atlanta, d.c., in san francisco. off the study also finds that
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people on construction rental real-estate businesses to be more likely to bust their taxes and other types of businesses. as a result the irs pays extra attention to small businesses and cities like san francisco. >> we have reestablished connection with kron fours will trans. we will in the next couple of hours to hear from the family of audrey potrt. they will explain why they think their 15 year-old daughter committed suicide. 316 year-old boy is accused of sexually assaulting her. will is live with the latest. >> i am in front of the radisson in san jose. the press conference will be held at 11:00. the reason why they believe the alleged sexual assault led to her commensal so is because four days after she appeared to be fine. there's a picture of her the reason why she appear to be fine is because she was content according to
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the family attorney to let it sit in the past. but when she found out it was a naked photograph of our district and she decided she wrote it was the worst ever. the and the family attorney says that is when she committed suicide and of course the family is blaming the three boys for that. the santa clara county sheriff's part is still investigating. they believe they have the three suspects. there could be more rest for now they believe one of the three ashley was the one who took the naked photo and distributed the photo that got out to the point where i dream po audrey pott felt humiliated. here is the attorney representing the three suspects reported this really read the family of said. >> much of what has been reported over the last several days is inaccurate. most disturbing is the attempt to link audrie fors
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suicide to the specific actions of these three boys. their names are not being released because there minor's. >> because of the distribution of the follow the cost ought to do what she did. the santa clara county sheriff's department is calling a cyber bullying in looking into it as well. >> thank you will. 11:00 to they will expect the press conference will kerry for you live on our 24/7 news channel for the lastest news and traffic comcast 193 digital channel 4.. >> today secretary of state john kerry heads home after a three day trip to south korea, more on the kron 4
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you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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for 2 years with qualifying bundles. for 2 years with qualifying bundles. looks like you got 5% cash back usinusg your chase freedom card at lowe's this quarter. yeahye! i felt really good. ah! don't worry! yeah. we. 're good! activateva your 5% cash back at
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ma 5:10 . a little boy is recovering in hospital this morning after his heart stopped during a baseball game in rohnert park over the weekend. the boy was in the chest while batting colegio this the park during eight rohnert park cal ripken baseball league game saturday. the boy took several steps toward first base and collapse on the field. the two off-duty paramedics who were in the stands rest to the victim in began enlisting cpr. the little boy will remain in hospital for a few more days of doctors can monitor him. his older brother told sue faren that he was away in
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any a popsicle yesterday's. >> today secretary of state john kerry head home after a three day trip to south korea, china, and japan. he spent the past three days meeting with leaders in seoul, beijing and tokyo close relations in the wake of north korea's threats. a goal of the trip was to insure commitments from these countries to keep north korea from pursuing its nuclear goals. intelligence show's no. 3 has been preparing mobile missiles for possible test launch. today is the start of a major, three a national holiday foto mark the birth of north korea's first leader of kim il sung. >> will be back with more on the
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b >> >> breaking news just into the kron 4 news room police and san jose are looking for a hit-and-run driver were injured in officer directing traffic near the h p pavilion last night. the wanted man is lee to be a burglary suspect to attentive to break into a car in the parking lot of the venue before being confronted by the cars are.
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the suspect in jumped into a black car and drove off, the car is described as a four- door black or dark colored acura . the officer was taken to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries. >> summer sea ice in the arctic is disappearing much faster than scientists predicted in could be nearly gone by midcentury. off according to new data from no aa researchers they look at three different models for calculating sea ice loss. they discovered the most optimistic calculation fines are to summer see eyes, almost completely disappeared by 2060. off the worst case scenario is to be nearly gone by 2020. cycas the arctic sea ice is of most visible sign of global coppclimate change. >> 516. our climate is changing. it is chilly out there. >> good morning darya. >> we're off to a mild start. the wind will pick up
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into the afternoon. the temperatures, most likely will not be that warm. a lot of locations struggle to make it out of the upper 50s. the 4:00 hour the camera looks from san jose was shaking around. the wind looks to have died down. 10 mi. an hour went in downtown san jos>> the wind will pick up throughout the day. 11:00 a.m. the wind advisory goes into effect. this is the one issued by the national weather service. it is called out there. 5:00 p.m. this evening if you're heading home from work we are contending with 27 mi. an hour winds for san mateo. 23 in concord. you notice the light blue shading indicates the gust in the 20 mi. an hour range. we will continue to see strong winds even by 9:00 p.m. tonight. >> expect clear conditions overnight, frost forming. surly possible for some of our protective valley is
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waking up tomorrow morning. >> turning back to today's high. it will be cooler than this weekend. >> 61 in thou tell. plenty of lows 60s in the east bay. fairfield 63. 62 expected in pleasanton. dow down san francisco upper 50s. 61 for petaluma. for those of you heading to the a's game at all about go against the astros first pitch at 7 05. expected to the upper 50s. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows a gradual warm up for the west of the workweek. overall, very nice conditions without a raindrop in sight. we're back in springtime weather saturday and sunday. low '80s on the map for your warmest inland spots. there is a possibility we could climb into the mid-80s. >> 589 to traffic good morning george. >> it is all about the wind. not tracking any hot spots at this hour. we're looking at a wind advisories for a number of bay area bridges.
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off to cancel the wind advisory for the bay bridge but still in effect on the advisers for the cartines bridge and the benicia bridge here. six 80/80 under the rise is morning also the dumbarton bridge. it was in the early morning hours and they have not cancelled it. also in effect here, at the san mateo bridge especially over the high-rise section. >> as we mentioned there had been an early more advisory the bay bridge they have cancelled it. light traffic approaching the toll plaza we are problem free. >> looking at your ride to the golden gate bridge volume of a bid for the early morning hours but still no delays for 101 southbound. >> off the trans eject quickly from the golden gate bridge. i hope i put that in there. if i did not my apologies. i will tell you fine h train, caltran, muni metro and bart. >> thank you george.
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>> a gun buyback that took place in san mateo county on saturday is being called a success. an estimated 250 firearms were collected at the gun buyback, which was held at the south san francisco court house. off organized and paid more than $23,000 in exchange for the unwanted firearms. $100 for every handgun, and $200 for rifle on assault weapons. off exact breakdown of family and guns long guns and assault rifles were brought by parties will be available later today. >> the senate is set to begin debate on some of gun control legislation this week, and a proposal to expand background check on some gun buyers have picked up some key republican support. >> falcons center to the columns of maine says she will support walls of the required background checks of people buying guns at gun shows and on line, but exempts private sales. but there's still some conservative push back. alabama republican jeff
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sessions told abc does not think the deal will pass and complains that car gun laws and not adequately enforce. of public and michael lee of utah cannot get behind it either. >> the measure needs 60 votes to pass and only three republicans are expected to vote yes. >> new yorkers with firearms not reclassified as assault weapons are supposed to start registering them today. >> the state gun owners are also required to limit the ammunition in magazines to seven bullets except at competitions or firing ranges. the state affiliate of the national rifle association plans to go to court today tried to block the magazine limits. it also has a federal lawsuit pending. >> the new york state rifle and pistol association says the law violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens to keep commonly possessed firearms. >> senator mark rubio says a
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proposed immigration bill is expected to be introduced this week will offer amnesty to those who entered the u.s. illegally. >> the florida republican says there will be consequences for having violated the laws. rubio proposal would require people to pass a rigorous background check and they find the application fees to receive a permit to allow them to work, travel and pay taxes. >> after 10 years that would be able to apply for legal immigration status and eventual pact citizenship. under the proposal, the applicant would not be eligible for any federal benefits such as health care. >> new this morning dozens of people are dead in a string of insurgent attacks across iraq . officials say at least 31 people were killed and more than 200 wounded in what were mostly car bombings and several parts of the country, including baghdad, the western sunni city
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westernfallujah and towns in the predominantly shitie south. the attacks come less than a week before the country's first elections since the to the of 11 u.s. troop withdrawal. the vote is seen as a key test of iraqi security force ability to keep the voters safe. there's been no immediate claim of responsibility but according to attack the most likely the work of al quadia . police in mexico found the bodies of five men into women in a shack on the outskirts of the resort city of cancun. all of the seven of the bodies were found on sunday and detective said the victims' hands, heads and feet had been tied up with packing tape, and they apparently were asphyxiated. off the bodies were left on the patio of a house just a short distance away from the city's tourist zone.
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neighbors told police there is been a lot of strange traffic coming and going at the house and suggested it may have been used to sell drugs. >> will be back with [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ]
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[ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ]
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>> you are watching tv right now. why not be rewarded for it. for the entire month of april watch kron 4 news at 8 in the morning and 8 at night. you can win prizes, cash, or exclusive kron 4
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items. it is like frequent- flier miles for watching us. will show you the word of the day at a 8 in the morning and at 8 at night. into the word and start earning point at kron 4 reward. >> go to and click on rewards. registration is simple. you could do it by using facebook. if you sign up now you can start earning point by entering trivia questions or playing cool games spirit is free to join. when you do you get a 2500 point bonus and be automatically entered for a chance to win an hdtv, a home surveillance system or a rocker gaming chair. >> do not forget. until the end of the month be on the lookout for the reward of the day on kron 4 morning news that 8 in the morning and that 8 night. >> kron 4 reward our way of thanking you for watching us. >> watching wall street after pretty flat day on friday. >> interest-rate and shows
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all three indexes in the negative this morning. investors are hoping the stock market will resume its upward trend after a brief pickup. here's a look at the closing numbers. the dow dropped a fraction of a point friday close and at 14,865. the nasdaq dropped five. closing at 3002 under 94. the s and p loss 400--4 and 1/2 point closing at 3000 to under 94. the s&p 500 balls for a half point to close at 1588. >> earner for to expect to turn this week from city group, bank of america and google. we will be watching the stock market are morning long here 97
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>> morning. welcome back. 530 waking up this morning to a chilly morning. we have a wind advisory up until
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11:00 at our bridges. to get you more news was go to our solo reporter jackie sissel there is giving his at the dumbarton bridge. >> i am at the dumbarton bridge and see. there is a high when here at the dumbarton bridge along with other bridges in the bay area. if you are driving a high-profile vehicle once you get on this and you will experience the high wind. be aware. i went across the richmond san rafael bridge about 45 minutes ago. the same conditions you have to slow down and be aware of the crosswinds once you get on to the span. >> thank you jackie. the wind will medical morning filling colder. >> good morning erica. >> that is light darya and a cold afternoon. >> when we factor in the
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wind chill it will feel a few degrees cooler. we are below the seasonal average. expected cold, windy afternoon. >> the wind advisory began at 11:00 a.m. on the coastline. for the mid peninsula and the spanish airline. >> will continue until 9:00 p.m. this evening. when approaching from the northwest between 20 and 30 mi. an hour the gust could reach 45. >> we will deal with windy conditions for the next couple of days. i will walk you thru the details coming up in my next report. >> george. >> in addition to the dumbarton bridges we heard from jackie this morning under a wind advisory so are the other bay area bridges let us show you those now. >> first, the ride on interstate 80 off to the cartines bridge . also on 680 to the benicia bridge are under revisory this morning and so is the san mateo bridge. >> the right on highway 92, a as you see the changeable message signed still activated indicating the biggest cuts will likely be
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experience of a high-rise section on the san mateo bridge. there had been invited it in place earlier this morning for the san francisco/oakland bay bridge but has been lifted. >> on other headlines authorities say the three boys arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a 15 year-old saratoga girl later took her own life were initially sighted on misdemeanor allegations in september in connection with the case. deputies arrested 316 year-old boys last week on sexual battery against autry pott , a saratoga high school sophomore who hanged herself last september after an explicit photographs circulated of the alleged assault. the santa clara county sheriff's office says the initial investigation turned up only enough evidence to support citations for misdemeanor and sexual battery. off the boys were not taken into custody when they were first sighted, and the shares offices not know if they had appeared at any juvenile court hearing. >> meanwhile, the family will hold a press conference
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this morning at 11:00 a.m.. rogers mother, father, stepmother is close the family attorney are expected to speak. will be caring the press conference live on our for the lastest news and traffic comcast 193 digital channel. >> in controversy in the venezuelan president dentaial collections, as well as opposition candidate is demanding a recount, following a razor thin losses at a special election. the interim president nicholas maduro , who was hand-picked by the late hugo chavez, won by less and 235,000 votes. the challenger henrique capriles says he would not accept results and is calling for a full account. he says his campaign tally of votes came up with a different result. >> in people in the bay
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area came out in huge numbers on sunday to cast their vote at the san francisco conflict for the venezuelan presidential election. the consulate was full of enthusiasm volunteers helping voted with instructions as they walked to the door. although these people may be well from their country, they wanted to secure their boat in the election. >> starting today the bart silicone valley berryas extension project will began hostetter road between lundy and flickinger avenue will be reduced from 3 to 2 lanes. in both directions so the crews to start building a new overpass for the new bart rails. the work is expected to continue for 79 months. traffic is is is expected to be congested off. the entire bar project is scheduled to be completed in 2018 with a price tag of
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$3.2 billion. >> off a 75 year-old man who went missing from a medical care facility was found sunday night in los angeles. >> robert archambault , who is a gap in the fight we will tear, went missing from burlingame saturday afternoon. police found in loss analyst at around 9:00 p.m. saturdasunday night. medical personnel evaluated him who has extensive medical issues and said he checked out ok. >> off the california highway patrol said the tour bus carrying business from the senate in national park was traveling at an unsafe speed when the driver of the bus lost control and was crashed on a mountain road leading 16 people injured. >> in 15 passengers on the bus and a tour that suffered minor to moderate injuries there were taken to a local
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hospital. >> new this morning abbott laboratories is recalling a freestyle insulin blood glucose meters after finding that they displayed in store incorrect test results for dangerously high blood juror levels. the company says the meters will display a story for blood glucose levels of 1,024 mg per deciliter are hired at much lower levels. that is an extremely high rare level that requires immediate medical attention. the an accurate reading to lead to a delay or in identifying the problem or incorrect treatment. >> 3 rides at disneyland, including the famous face amount rollercoaster, were temporarily close over the weekend as the company refuses safety protocols at ringside by state regulators. disneyland receive citations of fighting from cal osha. the
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citations were related to into did in november when a contract worker was injured while performing maintenance on space mountain. the matterhorn reopen sunday. but it is unclear how long the other to rise for may close. we will be back with more here look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet.
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rethink possible. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> good morning. the time is 540. just then bieber is facing controversy after a visit to the anne frank house in amsterdam. according to the museum's facebook page, he left this message in the guest book saying " the truly inspiring to be able to come here. and was a great girl. hopefully she will never been a belie ber . the message triggered a flood of comments on the museum's face book page sunday, with many criticizing pop star for writing something they perceive as insensitive. critics on the and b and frank facebook page called him a way to full of himself. one city completely missed the lesson of the and frank story. >> cathy says he needs to go
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back to school. it is obvious he did not know what to say about the true history. donna says he should have read the diary of anne frank in school. did he graduate?. >> jacob says this kid has surpassed kanye west with his arrogance. >> join the conversation on our face book page. that is facebook .com/kron 4. a museum spokeswoman says there were habitat him in did not see anything offensive in his remarks. >> we will be back in a couple of minutes.
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>> we are back at 545. a quick look at the top stores. the family of 15 year-old saratoga teen audrey pott is expected to have a news conference after three teenage boys was corrarrested and charged with sexual battery.
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>> in she committed suicide after the photograph when viral on social media. >> will bring you more on that news conference. leaving and procrastinators your time is just about up. today's tax day. the deadline for filing an oil tannual income taxes with the irs. the agency says 97 million american taxpayers are is a bit of their tax for the first of the month. about 90 percent were done electronically, and the average refund is 2007 under $55 down about $40 last year. >> to the judge will feel
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cool in to the afternoon. a lot of locations dubli strugglig to make it out of the upper 50s. >> san francisco carly 46. 52 in oakland. upper '40's and concord. the wind has significantly died down compared to what we saw yesterday. an overnight. 5 mi. an hour winds and oakland. a bit stronger on the coast. the winds approaching from the northwest will pick up route the day. they will wrap up ramp up. >> by 5:00 p.m. was the sustained winds a wide range of twenties. plus an amou >> we will see us in the 20 mi. iran as well. we will continue to leave in our spirit we expect clear conditions. what will happen
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overnight as the wind will continue on and frost formation a possibility for some of our protective valley. >> temperatures will drop into the mid to upper '30's. that is something we have not seen for quite some time. putting our attention on the afternoon highs. redwood city climbed to 61. upper 50s for fremont. 62 in milpitas. plenty of lows '60s. temperatures below average in the east bay as well. >> lot of creek 63. upper 50s in richmond. of fifties for downtown san francisco. 62 in santa rosa. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast highlights warm weather ahead of us. we're back in the seventies by the middle of this week. >> mostly sunny skies not a raindrop in sight. we're back in the '80s as we head into saturday and sunday. gusty conditions for your inland spots. middle seventies around of bay and mid-60's if you're heading to the calls. >> 548 on your morning ride with george. >> thank you erica. looking
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at a pretty quiet ride. we're not tracking any hot spots. there are wind advisories for a number of bay area bridges. like the dumbarton bridge or kron 4 jackie sissel is this morning. >> here is a live look to the west bound commutes coming out of the work and heading to east palo alto. no delays our backs on the approach--newark . >> the ctrtines and benicia bridge is. >> the san mateo bridge under wind advisory. >> the bay bridge was in their early morning hours when no longer. >> approaching 6:00 we see the back up is starting to began here. we have noticed over the last several weeks they have been activating the metering lights and 7620 they have been activated at 6:00. it is likely the next time we checked with did see the back up-- 620 . >> the right to the golden gate bridge looks good. commute time for marin
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county on the 25 minutes from navato to the golden gate bridge. >> is right for public transit delay free on bart, caltrans, muni metro and h train of the central valley. >> thank you george. >> 549. >> for people recovering after being rescued from their sinking tugboat saturday. this is video of the bay area coast are saving the four people after their tugboat sank while telling a barge off the coast of big i sur . they're being lifted up to safety. the coast guard crews received a distress call about 3:00 p.m. and deploy a 47 ft. motor lifeboat. off the rescue helicopter from the monterey station was also called to the scene. the rescue helicopter fell the survivors are a raft and hoisted aboard. all four tickets to local hospital, but when i heard. >> talking sports and kron 4 morning news. the diets and the cubs in their final gavel before game series.
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arguably one of the worst pitched games in baseball history. lincecum had another shaky start giving up two home runs in the first inning. but then the cubs tied it major league record by throwing five wild pitches in the sixth which allow the giants scored four runs. then with two down in the ninth inning anodize losing seven to six hunter pence hit a solo shot ofoff shawn kemp to tie the game. eventually they would go into the win by tacking on three more runs in the 10th. they went up 8-7 on a balk by cab giants win tent-7. >> meanwhile, the a's struggled against the tigers at the lost potential one, they beat the fighting to extend their winning streak to nine games, but then lost to the tigers saturday and sunday yesterday. a's starting pitcher jarrod
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parker did not make a data before bringing up eight runs. tigers outfielder often jackson hit a home run as he went on to a 4 hit day. a's catcher derek north of dublin the a's look long run the fourth inning. off the a's struck out 38 times in three game series. athletics lose 10-1. >> today is jackie robinson get the mail being. every player on every team that is a they will wear no. 42 today on the back of their jerseys and on robinson. the oakland a's host the houston astros tonight at 7:05 p.m. all the a's and astros will with our numbewill where the nu >> the san francisco diet or off today. the jackie robinson movie debut this weekend. it was number one at the box office. >> adam scott has become the first australian to win the augusta national. this is the second year in a
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row that the masters went into sudden death at scott and angel cabrera made matching the '30's and the 72nd hole. if the bolt may par on the first extra hole , no. 18, but scott pulled ahead when he sought a 12 ft. birdie for the win. cabrilla who want it all into the house and i finished second place. tiger was finished tied for fourth place. we will be back with more on the kron 4 morning news.
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>> welcome back. a hong kong businessman may on the world's most expensive sulfone. this is it the black diamond iphone. it includes a hit in 26 ^ black diamond. the falling value $50 million. it includes 600 falls white diamonds, solid gold dressing, and an apple logo may double 53 diamonds. the home but in of the front is made of a black diamond an incredibly rare gem that had been in the phone owners family for generations. >> as soon as the iphone 6
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phone comes out that will be $500 on ebay. >> we will take a break coming up on the kron 4 morning news. are following a developing story of berkeley where a firefighter was grazed by bullet. shots were fired during an emergency medical call with wall hundred block of the white way near san paolo. the family of a saratoga teen who committed suicide last fall was expected to speak today. it is just days after three teens were arrested for the girls all. more details coming up. and the celebration on the way in north korea as a country gather to honor its late founder of kim il dung. meanwhile, john kerry wraps a three day trip to asia with those of getting north korea to the negotiation table. will be right
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baby (male announcer): live from t b


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